This is bert's mug shot. It was taken after he was arrested for public indecinsy. Apparently, he had been disturbing the peace by running nude up and down Seaseme Street, while singing, "I'm a barbie girl...." Unfortunatly, I was unable to gain access to any of those pictures. According to my sorces, who will remain un-named for fear for thier lives, this had happened several times before. But finally, they got sick of seeing his pale yellow body streaking all over the place, and who could ever stand that song in the first place? This picture still remains at the top of all F.B.I. files. 
A monolith found on the edge of Easter Island known to the natives as "The One that Devours" or "The Evil One" has been found to have an uncanny resemblance to Bert, This image was sent in by Wout O Matic. He allegedly took the image during his last holiday. This photo is further proof of Bert's evil dating back to the dawn of civilization.

During the early drafts of the Elmo doll idea. This Prototype was released. It was designed by Bert in hopes of teaching little kids to shoot up and extending his target market for drug trade. The plan was halted by Children's Television Workshop and was replaced with a more commercially viable doll. 
Though it has been long speculated that Dennis Rodman and Bert were old friends, no proof has validated this claim till this recent photograph. It is assumed that Rodman's "evil as I wanna be" attitude can be attributed to his relations to the muppet. Bert has also been caught dressed in drag at Hooper's Store late at night. 
This photo taken from the Aliens Dossier of the FBI shows the images of the two most aggressive aliens ever encountered on this planet . The Zeta Reticuli, allegedly responsible for the cattle mutilations, the ebola virus, the bubonic plague and the nuclear age. The Zeta Berticuli, allegedly responsible for infommercials, Richard Nixon, Minnesota and Nonoxynol-9. It is a well supported theory that Bert may be an alien or a muppet/zeta hybrid.